There are a number of known issues when our site is viewed using the Firefox browser. For best results, please download a more compatible browser.
Below are some of the more common issues we see reported. Please click the appropriate tile to view the proposed resolution.
When I scan a barcode, no data appears on my screen
I can scan into my POS app, but not my Inventory app.
My reader is not discoverable.
My reader isn't found when I try and pair it in Companion.
My reader keeps disconnecting from Bluetooth.
The batteries in my reader never fully charge.
My reader turns off randomly.
42% of all sudden Bluetooth and connectivity issues reported are caused by the tablet or software being updated in the background? A simple restart of the tablet normally fixes the issue. Worth a try!
Need something else? Here are all our FAQ’s and Troubleshooting suggestions, by Category:
Device Set-Up
Batteries & Charging
Bluetooth & Pairing
Software Camera-Based Scanning
Developer / SDK
Building Reports
Zettle by PayPal
Contactless D600 & S550
SocketCam Family
SocketScan 300 Series
SocketScan S700 Series
SocketScan S800 Series
DuraScan D700 Series
DuraScan D800 Series
DuraScan Wearable 900 Series
DuraSled Series
XtremeScan 900 Series
CHS Series 7