Data Capture Solutions for Retail Self-Serve Kiosks

Painless, convenient and hassle-free scanning for your self-serve station.

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Give Customers the Power of DIY

Customers' rising expectations have created a need for convenience throughout the shopping experience, making self-serve kiosks a norm within retail environments. Your customers don't want to wait in lines. They want quick and easy do-it-yourself check-out options that let them control their checkout process.

Socket Mobile provides durable and reliable barcode scanners that stand alone on their chargers, seamlessly syncing with the check-out applications of your choice. Many of our data readers include an auto-scan feature making them fully functional for customer use at your store's self-service convenience stations.

Giving your customers control of their shopping experience saves them time and frustration, and provides the added benefit of freeing up your associate's time to handle other important duties such as assisting customers or stocking and staging merchandise.

Benefits of Integrating Socket Mobile for your retail Self-Serve Stations

Choosing Socket Mobile means more than just choosing a simple data collection tool. We provide long-lasting benefits and support that will ultimately give you complete confidence in choosing us for your retail self-serve kiosks.

Our data capture solutions prevent common scanning difficulties that often occur within retail self-serve stations and ensure your customers have an effortless check-out experience.

With Socket Mobile’s exceedingly low return and breakage rate, you will have confidence in your scanners to continuously get the job done throughout the self-serve check-out process.

By giving your customers the power to have a smooth check-out experience on their own, employees will ultimately have more time to assist customers throughout their shopping experience.

All Socket Mobile devices are cordless devices, so your customers can experience an effortless, safe, and efficient check-out process.

Recommended Products


Our readers are used in every environment of almost every industry. The recommendations above are based on the most typical environments but may not be a match for yours. We created our reader selection tool Opens Worldwide Website to help you find the data reader best suited for your particular environment. Give it a try!

Make Your Selections Opens Worldwide Website

Case Studies

Socket Mobile is the preferred solution for thousands of companies. Check out these real-life case studies that have proven our solution to be effective for retail self-serve kiosks:

With the integration of Socket Mobile's scanners into their in-store displays, Royal Canin was able to implement their "My Royal Canin" Loyalty Card Program.

Watch: Self-Serve POS using Charging Dock with Security Base

Watch: Self-Serve POS using Auto Mode with a Charging Stand

Try it free.

Test out our data reading and scanning technology for free with SocketCam. The SocketCam C820 lets you scan directly into your feature application using the camera on your mobile device, ensuring high-performance scanning without the need for an external barcode scanner.